Thursday, December 20, 2007

Review of the evening...

Okay. I'm home. Here's the review:

Went to the movie. Great time on the drive there, great time there, not so great time back because we ran into car trouble.

So... did I meet my goals? Truth be told, I didn't think about them much when I was out there, I was just enjoying his company. Which, I think, is a good thing... but anyway, here goes.

1) Listen. I did better at this. Heard some cool childhood stories and kept him talking.

2) Mirror. Also did good with this. Amazing how effective it is.

3) Verbally mirror. Pretty much forgot about doing it...

4) Attract. Well, I don't think he was really checking me out or anything... but I felt good in what I was wearing and with myself, so I think it helped.

5) Be independent. Not sure whether I succeeded on this count or not... I think I failed. Let him pay for me --- he tends to be really chivalrous like that --- and there wasn't really anyone else around to flirt with... our showing wasn't very full and there just weren't opportunities. Smiling and saying "Thank you" to the guy who gave us our tix doesn't count.


1) Must remember to let guys open doors for me. He kept trying, but I was already halfway through the door and forgot until saw him catching it or coming around to open it. He's a total gentleman and I REALLY should encourage this kind of behavior in all and any guys... but I'm used to being in charge of most situations and it throws me for a loop when I'm suddenly being waited on. Let them be gentlemen.

2) Try and direct the conversation more, rather than lots of inane chitchat about the weather. I would have liked to learn more about him, dug deeper, exchanged views on stuff that matters, and instead I kept making idiotic comments like, "I love watching the snow come down, it's just so pleasant looking, all lazy like that."

3) If he offers to pay for the tickets, at least offer to get the drinks. Even if he does have his wallet out already. It's really nice of him to take care of it and all, but I should contribute something, especially if we're just going out as friends.


Anyway, I want to come up with something to do for him... esp. since his car was acting up, he seemed pretty bummed... Hm...

Oh, the movie was amazing, though. Lots of good films out lately...


Liza said...

I'm glad it went well. I, too, am very interested in the mirroring techniques. Lately I've started to notice my LTR and myself mirroring each other and it just kind of hit me...we're doing it subconsciously. Imagine the benefits of realizing it and doing it consciously with someone else!

It's hard to get out of the friend zone if you've been friends for a while as you say. Him having a girlfriend is also a detriment, of course. I approve of your decision to not want to get in the middle of them, though with PU there are ways. I'd suggest picking out a single friend to try these things on as he's more available and will be more likely to respond as any other single man would :)

Vanilla Soup

Women's Lair

Lester said...

Independence is a good quality to have. I'd like more woman to be independent and not clingy.