Saturday, March 29, 2008


So... a friend of mine and I went out to see an opera... it was SO much fun. In the first place, I LOVE opera. In the second place, he's an awesome guy, and in the third place, I think he liked it. (Yay! Another convert!)

Oh, wow. So the TV is on in front of me, and my roommates and I are watching this special on lions, and we all just got to witness graphic lion sex. Apparently they bite one another's necks while mating. So do humans. Let the Hallelujah Chorus raise its glorious strains as we all have a transcendant moment experiencing the oneness-of-all-life.

Yeah, anyway. So we had an awesome time... I'm so grateful for friends. Especially guy friends... you just get this relaxed vibe from being around them. And he's awesome. Not pursuing the romance thing 'cause if I do it'll make me the rebound girl bigtime, but it's really nice to have someone I can hang out with who's pretty much on the same wavelength.

All other romance is on hold for now... I'm laid up with sinus headaches and a cough. Let's hear it for spring, huh? However, once I get back on... any ideas for missions or goals?

OH! Almost forgot to give a field report on my foray into the world of online dating. I found a local dating site --- specific to my school --- and found a guy on there whose profile I really meshed with. We shared the love of foreign films, one in particular. So, we got to chatting, set a date, and got together to do dinner and an Italian film. It was tons of fun, we really meshed... but the chemistry just wasn't there. I decided to try it again and invited him to a concert. Again, we had an amazing time, tons of fun, there was lots of laughing, and it was very comfortable... but still no chemistry. It was like hanging out with a brother or a friend from when I was a kid... I'm just not attracted to him.

He seemed to be really interested in me, and suggested that we get together for another movie. I agreed, but I think my message was kind of brisk --- not really brisk, just a little bit --- and I haven't heard tons from him since. We send each other stuff from apps on Facebook and run into each other on campus and stuff, and it's friendly, but I don't think he's interested.

So, moral of the story: maintain enthusiasm on high if you want to maintain a relationship. If you want to cool it down, cool down the enthusiasm.

Any tips on how to stay friends while expressing that you're not interested romantically? It'd be a shame to lose friends just 'cause the chemistry's not there. Or can that even be done when one side is interested and the other isn't?

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Long time no post...

Wow, it's been a while, huh?

Just a quick progress update: I've gotten MUCH better at striking up conversations with people, have developed comfortable acquaintances with lots of people, guys and girls, and am beginning to not exactly mak the first move, but let guys know that it's okay to make the first move. It's worked --- four guys have asked me out within the past month. For me, this is MAJOR progress.

And I'm totally flirting. It's just teasing... that's all there is to it... teasing with the occasional I-like-you comment thrown in.

And it's FUN.