Wednesday, December 19, 2007

My mission, should I choose to accept it...

I think I'm going to just set myself assignments. Or Missions, since that sounds more fun.

The Situation

I'm going to a movie tonight with a friend. This friend:

1) Has been the object of my adoration for the past six months or so.

2) Has a girlfriend.


1) It will be good to do stuff with him because it'll help get over my eternal woodenness when confronted with someone I like, but

2) Since he's taken, that removes the stress of whether he likes me back, how I'm coming across, if he's going to call later, and all that other silly stuff... and means I have to keep things on a social/platonic/nonsexual level. I definitely don't want to break up him and his gf; that's just a bad idea. (Not much chance of that, of course, lol.)

The Mission

To have fun, to flirt, to be my charmingest self, to make him enjoy the evening (because it's nice to be flirted with)... and if I see any cute strangers, to have all eyes on me.

Specific Strategies

1) Listen. I tend to talk way too much and way too much about myself around him.

2) Mirror. This has been hugely successful in the past. We tend to mirror one another naturally now, but still, it'll be a good thing to keep an eye on.

3) Verbally mirror. This is a technique I'm not super-familiar with, but it's time to give it a go.

4) Attract. I do want to be physically appealing to him... the outfit I'm wearing was chosen specifically to fit in with the kinds of clothes his dream girls wear. (All of the celebrities he says are hot fall into a specific category. Cool part is, they're the ones I wish I looked like... this is a good excuse to play around with styles I'm not normally bold enough to try.)

5) Be independent. In the first place, this seems to be a huge turn-on for guys (my last boyfriend was initially attracted to me because I came across as spunky and confident) and in the second, it's a power trip for me. This will include flirting with anyone else I see, of course.

Mission begins at roughly 2100 hours.


The Girls said...

Hey! I just started a forum so we can all discuss issues together...please check it out!

The Girls said...

oops!! I sent you your own link....

the real link is: