Monday, May 12, 2008


We went out again last night, just to hang out and talk. It was nice. We went for a short walk, but I did not respond to whatever physical overtures he was making 'cause it was COLD and I was wrapped up with my arms wedged all weird in my coat.

I've got to find some way to... express interest. It just feels like my timing is off somehow, and I get nervous every time I get close to making a move. I'm going to try NLP as PoisonSweetKiss suggested, which I hope will help. Wish me luck!


Lester said...

Guys miss the obvious so it's hard for a man to see interest being given to him unless... he understand body cues, gestures, Body Language.

on thing is for certain though, what stands out is touch, proximity, you know that feeling when you get really close to someone, next to them, you can feel their vibe, and a simple smile works.

I love a woman's smile. :)

Circe said...

So true --- I didn't realize how much guys do miss the obvious until I posted on Yahoo Answers a question like, "How do you know if a girl is interested?" and 80% of the answers came back as, "She tells me." Your statement just backs that up.

And I know what you mean... it's like... frisson or chemistry or something. I'll use the smile next time the air starts to zing. ;)